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Renewed Narratives

Toegevoegd op: 30 augustus 2024 Participatory Clay Workshop

The "Participatory Clay Workshop" is an integrative and community-driven initiative aimed at fostering dialogue and engagement between undocumented women and local citizens of Amsterdam. This initiative seeks to create a space where participants can share their knowledge, cultural heritage, and creative ideas, thus forming a sense of community and enhancing social cohesion. By engaging in these workshops, participants are empowered to express themselves and connect with others through the medium of clay, which has proven to be a powerful tool for healing and personal growth. These workshops also encourage reflection on transforming our daily consumption habits towards a more conscious and sustainable model. 

The workshops at het Wereldhuis will primarly be held for members of het Wereldhuis and residents residing in the centre of Amsterdam. This diverse group includes undocumented women and local citizens, creating an opportunity for cross-cultural exchange and mutual learning. 
The workshops at Voedselpark will primarly be held for residents residing in New West of Amsterdam. The project aims to bridge gaps between different communities, fostering understanding and cooperation.

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Stichting Jeugdrecht

Bij Stichting Jeugdrecht zijn we toegewijd aan het beschermen van de rechten van kinderen en ouders. Onze experts met ervaring zorgen ervoor dat elke zaak met aandacht en toewijding wordt behandeld.

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Renewed Narratives

Participatory Clay Workshop

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Samen Tegen Gokschade

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