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Creative Locals - Support Your Small Businesses!

Toegevoegd op: 3 april 2020 A new, free platform to find where and how small businesses in your area have adjusted their trading due to coronavirus.

The coronavirus pandemic has affected all of us, especially small businesses. More businesses are still open than you think! To stay open, Many small businesses have taken creative measures into their own hands. They need to as it’s a matter of survival. I hope by setting up this platform, independents will be able to reach a much broader audience in their local communities and beyond. Furthermore, as we’ve seen with restaurants, the offer of many independents wouldn’t be applicable on home delivery platforms. Butchers, bakeries, florists, delicatessens and others also need a practical and effective outlet to engage with potential customers right now too. I hope that as more small businesses add their details and more and more consumers visit this platform, we’ll try to keep as many small businesses in business, as possible

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