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The Covid-19 Pitch Call

Toegevoegd op: 17 april 2020 Startups tackling Covid-19 can apply for funding any idea/startup charting the path to recovery. We will boost your innovation by investing

We invite startups tackling the Covid-19 outbreak to apply for funding. If you have an idea or existing startup that can chart the path to recovery, we want to hear from you. We want to accelerate your innovation by investing in you. The Covid-19 call is global and fully remote. Apply at covid19@antler.co!

Antler is inviting startups to propose solutions in Mitigation (e.g. masks, contact tracing, surveillance, data infrastructure), Medical Equipment (e.g. test kits, protective devices, ventilators), Remote Health (e.g. telehealth, remote patient monitoring, symptom checkers) and Digital Tools (e.g. remote work, smart delivery, e-learning). The purpose is to contribute towards the path recovery from the crisis. Apply at covid19@antler.co

Following a screening process, the top teams will receive an investment of US$100,000 and have the opportunity to join an Antler program at a location closest to them, with most modules being remote. The chosen teams will get full access to the Antler platform and network. They will also be able to participate at one of our Demo Days. Check out our FAQs in case of any questions.

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